Kambah Sheep

Kambah Sheep

Kambah Sheep large



Matthew Harding


Galvanised steel, metal, bronze, granite, hardwood and found objects






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Kambah Village Shopping Centre Artworks - Kambah Sheep

Matthew Harding


Materials – Galvanised steel, metal, bronze, granite, hardwood and found objects.

Inspired by the rural history of the area, the Kambah Village Shopping Centre artworks include elements depicting a rural iconic vernacular such as livestock, working animals, Australian insects, corrugated iron, tools and hardware.

The collection of artworks include:

* Life size chain woven sheep with galvanised steel armature.

* Life size fabricated and rusted sheep dog.

* Corrugated cast concrete signage wall with laser cut stainless steel text.

* Carved granite Christmas beetle play sculpture.

* Cast bronze Christmas beetles.

* Hardwood poles inlaid and marked with found farmyard objects such as nails, wiring, saw blades and wing nuts.

Kambah Village Shopping Centre, Crn Drakeford Drive and Marconi Cres, Kambah

Asset of the Transport Canberra and City Services Directorate.

Photo credit - Photox.